Today is the fifth day of the Hindu festival Ganesh Chaturthi. The festival started on Sunday 23 August, and we had Jack and John (our EWB friends from Phaltan) visiting, along with two of Jack’s friends from back home (the UK). We walked around Laxmi Road where there was a lot going on. There were loads of people, and drum music, and Ganesh idols being paraded around.
People were buying their Ganesh idols to take home and worship during the festival. You can keep him at home for 1, 5, 11 or 21 days, and then you submerge him in the river. Like I said, today is day 5 so I’m planning on going to the river to see this happen.
I bough a Ganesh idol for our flat too:
We are trying to follow the rules of the Ganesh festival; our friend Akshay is consulting us on what to do. We offer him fruit, flowers and sweets called moduk, and we burn a candle or incense for him. I’m planning on throwing him in the river on the 11th day, 3 September.
oh that's so cool that you're trying to do it right! i love it!