We are staying at Nikam House Ladies Hostel. It's basic but clean. Still, I'm glad I brought a sheet and sleeping bag liner, cause the sheets they have are very old and stained. Jenny and I have a room to ourselves that locks with a padlock so no-one can get in when we are away. We also have our own bathroom; the toilet is just a hole in the floor, and there's a tap with a bucket for bathing. Here are some photos:
Beds and shelf
We have this place for a week so we can try to find a more long-term place to live.
Now it's Wednesday (8 July) morning. We got up and went to a shopping street but everything was closed. We were a bit confused until we learned that the shops don't open till 10:30. So we ate something (I had a vege roll, which was just a pastry roll with slightly spicy vege curry in it), and found the internet cafe when it opened. The plan for the rest of the day is just to look around, and maybe find the place where we are working. We still have a lot to figure out here.
ummm like the new place way better... it's amazing the stuff we take for granted!