Sunday, 21 June 2009


Starting in July, I will be spending 3 months working as a volunteer for Shelter Associates through an EWB placement. A natural question is: How is this placement funded? The answer is that EWB covers most of the cost with their bursaries scheme, but the volunteer has to contribute as well. In my case, I have to raise £600 towards the work I am doing in India.

So, I am asking all my friends and family to help contribute to this project. First I thought I'd let you know a little more about what Shelter Associates does. Shelter Associates is a non-governmental organisation that works with the urban poor on slum rehabilitation projects. Their mission statement is to bridge the gap between the slums and the local government. My project will involve developing more effective ways of using google earth and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to analyse slums. Shelter then uses this information to report to the local government to help with urban planning and development, with the aim of make the living situation better for some of the poorest people in India.

If you would like to contribute to this project, then please let me know ( Donations of any amount would be greatly appreciated; every little bit helps.

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